Sunday, December 4, 2022

A selfish being

Loneliness sound scary but once you befriended it, its existence become a comfort.

No matter how many friends you have, no matter how warm you family is, no matter how attentive your lover might be, at the end of the day it’s all come back to you. 

One day you’ll wake up to find the crowded surroundings and the chattering of people faded in the background.

All that’s left is the feeling of lonelier than ever. 

You start questioning whether they even understand your real self with the life problems you’ve told them and the likes and dislikes you’ve shared with them. 

Whether your feelings are ever valid for them. 

Being there for other is hard, being compassionate for other is painful, as the one you cherish might not even reciprocate your efforts. 

You're just someone in their current life journey that they could use to advance. 

And as you’re having this thought, in the back of your head, you feel guilty. 

At this point, is your wish to have people to treat you the same way you did to them even sincere? 

See, human relationships are very bothersome. 

Until it's all come back to the realization that at some point, you will always feel lonely, whether rarely or often. 

But me, I decided to befriended the loneliness. 

So, when the loneliness hits, I will face and accept it. 

I find dealing with loneliness is easier that dealing with how many times human disappoints.  

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