Thursday, March 10, 2022

Begin again

As previously said, I want to find a new job so I resigned on 18 February.


The resignation process wasn’t exactly easy. But since I was determined to leave and part ways with my previous company for good, I just endured all the tasks given and the bothersome handover with literally 3 people until my last day. Interestingly enough, the universe worked in such an interesting way. I received an offer just about an hour after I became jobless.


So here I am, writing from my new company while waiting for a coworker to send me his file so I can do my report. I’m now living at a new place and I hope life gets better somehow with this new opportunity.


So far my new company is exceeding my expectations. A better workplace compared to my previous experiences. The only problems I have so far are the fact that the people here seem to love to work overtime and there are many papers and documents to handle. The rest is honestly good.


Life's been really great lately and I’m thankful.

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